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What is the difference between a screening and diagnostic audiometer?

What is the difference between a screening and diagnostic audiometer?

A screening audiometer typically uses Pure Tone audiometry to perform a basic air conduction test only. A screening audiometer is used to indicate if a loss of hearing has occurred and may indicate standard threshold shifts over time. A diagnostic audiometer measures air and bone bone conduction threshold levels with some diagnostic audiometers additionally measuring speech threshold levels. Diagnostic audiometers will indicate specifically where hearing loss has occurred. In short, a screening audiometer will only tell you if there’s a hearing issue, whereas a diagnostic audiometer will identify the hearing issue.

Screening audiometers are typically used in occupational health, schools, general practice or pediatric practices. If the screening test indicates a moderate to sever loss of hearing, a hearing professional or ENT should perform a hearing test using a diagnostic audiometer.

View screening and diagnostic audiometers